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Saturday, September 11, 2010


This is a VERY LONG POST...There are GRAPHIC IMAGES AND VIDEOS that are not for the faint of heart so please be forewarned that this is not my usual blogging mode, and some of the material I have used from my pictures, and a few videos I found on the net, are disturbing. However I am trying to juxtapose my walk with my memories, feelings, and blunt thoughts to make sure we never become complacent or be distracted by what happened on that awful day September 11, 2001...A day we MUST NEVER EVER FORGET.

I encourage all my new readers to read my prior Tributes from 2008, and 2009 where the links are on the right hand sidebar.

Those past Tributes I posted are different from this one, but I believe you may get something from those past Tributes and from the pictures I have posted to see a first hand look at the museums, tributes, and memorials in the past as well as the ones I will present in this post.

So I took my annual walk around Ground Zero on the 8th of September this year. I went in early just like I did when I worked at 4 World Trade so many years ago. I spent most of the morning walking into many of the places I used to walk by or stop in, and went to many new places as the downtown that existed before our Freedom was attacked and The World Trade center was evaporated whilst murdering my friends and fellow Americans, has developed over the last year and it was the first time I felt good and felt enthusiastic about our future being that for NINE years it has been just a pit....that has left a pit in many. I won't let people not remember this day or try to put a different spin on it to make it some kind of holiday that they can capitalize on. This happened. We must REMEMBER.

My walks still bring many strong emotions...sadness, frustration, anger, confusion...pity for the people who use it as a distraction to make money on real estate and other items at the expense of trampling on The American Spirit, and a code of conduct that I believe should be held sacred at that hallowed ground where our lives and country were changed...FOREVER.

I am not going to discuss the Mosque in depth, but I will tell you I did walk by it, and there were newscasters outside and a few posters with Thomas Jefferson quotes taped to the building... and anyone who walks by it is approached by news-people or a protester trying to get peoples statements and thoughts on the matter ...I declined and kept on my walk...I refuse to be distracted by anyone or event that is trying to interrupt my personal journey through a sacred and consecrated ground that changed the world, and should not be taken lightly. I work with many Muslims, and some are for it and some think its poor timing and that's that.

I am more concerned about rebuilding what once was and making it a place that was an incredible environment that once you were there it felt electric...This year was the first year that I felt progress and an atmosphere that good things are coming, but not without the expense of people still suffering from that day...people still dying and not getting health care they need, or suffer PTSD and many other health related problems related to working in that environment in the aftermath...These people need to be recognized and not ignored, another reason we must REMEMBER. There is still a lot of unfinished business to attend to, and I hope we pull together as a country to make it right again. I will try to be brief with my comments as I told you this may take a few visits to get through, it is painful but it also shows that there is progress finally happening at Ground Zero which has been dormant too long. You can click on the pics to enlarge.

This is more of an informative post rather than my prior Tributes which were emotional, but I want you to see first hand whats happening in New York at Ground Zero.

The following is a quote I found in Trinity Church.

The front of Trinity Church.

People relaxing, waiting for friends, this is a popular stop and meeting place for people as it is directly across from Wall St.

The day started out a bit overcast but was shaping up nicely...

Take a look at this corner and in the bottom left corner the signn says "cleaner". That is the same sign that was there on 9/11.

This video is of the same corner at the moment of the unimaginable. REMEMBER.
1 minute and 55 seconds.

This is a different Museum from The WTC Tribute Museum which is on the opposite end of Ground Zero. This Museum didn't have much aside from a lot of materialistic items for sale and I will post on a later date about those items...but not today..The Museum I showed you last year has not changed at all so I did not post any pictures being that you can visit the 2008 Tribute should you like to see that museum. The Motorcycle in the window is for The Brotherhood of Electricians and is dedicated to the members who were assassinated that day.

There is a Statue of Liberty with Tributes sent and clipped to her from around the world.

Even an American Flag made out of Lego's.

Captain Pat Brown book for sale...This is the 3rd time I have posted Captain Brown from 3 different walks I have taken...a true hero. RIP brother.

Here is New York is another book and a website dedicated with pictures from amateurs and professionals. The website has many photos, much more than the book, they are very graphic but I am posting them because it happened. If you are squeamish, I recommend scrolling past this part...

This WAS New York City...The Air Quality was so terrible many people are dying today because of the information we did not know.

The Firefighters, The Medics, The Police..Everyone that was there participated in helping each other through this tragic and unprecedented day. They are all heroes and should be treated as such.

The confusion and horror they witnessed. These pages tell the tale with no words.

They attacked with no thought of race.

...or color.

...not by religion.

or gender.

...and we must never forget that. EVER.


Cowardly attacks on innocent people...burning...they had no place to go...they jumped...all we could do was watch.

...and they kept jumping...Watch the first 30 seconds and then from 3:45 to 4:00.It shows people jumping, and impact. This is very graphic over 5 minutes long but shows how horrific a crime was committed that day. VERY GRAPHIC but we must REMEMBER.

This I can not forget...won't forget...I choose to REMEMBER.

REMEMBER our FREEDOM was attacked.

We will never forget...REMEMBER.

We WILL remember and we WILL rebuild and we WILL remain...We ARE New York...we ARE Americans...and we WILL restore the spirit that once was because we have ...

The WILL to do so.

Fuck You Bin Laden...and whoever else was responsible for murdering innocent people.

This short film was playing on the museum wall as I looked through the pages and I found it on you is called Project is a trailer for a Documentary and shows the progress of building and interviews with people who suffered from this tragic crime.
It is under 4 minutes and well worth the watch.

After the movie they showed these facts.

Because we can never forget.

Fact.? I hope this is true as we have heard this for too long.

I remember my walk in 2008 into St Paul's Chapel which I also did today...and this is a new addition that I haven't seen...but I never want to see the pews of a Church used like this again.

FDNY Turnout Gear hanging while recovery workers rested.

God Bless you all.

An event that led to a war that is heading into its 10th year...The Soldiers REMEMBER.

Oklahoma suffered and they were helping the World did..They REMEMBER.

Sent a sign as big as the organ...and their hearts are much larger speaking of organs.


The Hands of God...A beautiful Chalice.

It is Universal the pain. L'shanah tovah my friends. Thanks for stopping by.

When I first arrive as I walked out of the subway this was the first thing I saw as I looked up...Not the American Eagle, but this pigeon is standing guard on the subway light keeping warm as he overlooks the progress at Ground Zero.

Finally I can say Progress !

Red Cranes.

Yellow Cranes .

Lots of cranes !! ...and what was different than my prior walks of past years was , every crane was in working action and moving in every direction lifting and placing...BUILDING !!!
That is the exterior of the repaired World Financial Center.

Asshat Newscasters trying to stir up shit because they have nothing better to do...Asshat.

....but the cranes and backhoes keep on moving along.

What used to be the pit is now growing and no longer a pit.

Barriers closing off the area to vehicles.

This is a Tribute fountain by artist Jeff Koons called Balloon Flower. I was there early enough before they turned the fountain on. It is in front of 7 World Trade Center which was the last building to collapse that day, and the first rebuilt. It is billed as the safest skyscraper in The United States.

Black Granite Tribute with September 11, 2001 and a pigeon paying his respects.

The king inside the balloon with the Federal Building behind me.

The front of 7 World Trade Center...Moody's is based here and leased for 20 years I believe.

7 World Trade...52 stories and is 741 ft lets get the rest of them up.

Rising up.

The staging area where construction workers check in, get security clearance and begin there day rebuilding what we have waited so long for. This is the first time out of my walks I have seen so much activity and workers coming and going...I believe they are going to get these up in record time. Every race creed and gender are helping build our future.

So much equipment and not to many places to get shots of it but it gives you an idea of how busy the sight is now.

After I took that shot I walked over to The American Express Lobby in the World Financial Center...I wanted to see a Memorial they built in honor of the eleven members from the company that were murdered that day. Heading up into the lobby. God Bless America.

A history of American Express.

...Don't leave home without it ! Commercials with Karl Malden playing continuously. lol


2001 ...a lot of history in between I would say.

I didn't photo all the people but a few to give you some insight on the memorial.
11 people...REMEMBER.

11 tears Memorial. The work was designed by landscape architect Ken Smith, a native of Iowa who now lives and works in lower Manhattan. It “unites sky and ground, heaven and earth” and incorporates natural elements: water, light, quartz crystal and black granite.


Directly out these windows you can see one of the new World Trade Center buildings rising.

Wires to the ceiling that carry the tears.







At the center is a 600 pound tear-shaped piece of Brazilian quartz, which was carved to have 11 sides, one for each victim.

Shops and Restaurants again.

These banners were advertising all the new Museums Downtown a few years ago, now they are advertising the events that go on all spring and summer.

There is a pulse here in Downtown again...a strong one...and it feels good.

The workers are tirelessly making quick work of things to come.

The walkway around where the Memorial Pools will be next year.

The Flags are raised and flying.

The fountains are functional bringing more life to the area.

Even Santa Claus stopped by eating a Fruit salad...I like this new downtown.
KING:"Hey Santa,let me buy you a slice of Pizza bro ! I owe you for that Atari Game system when I was a kid !"
SANTA:"Fuck off King !!"

Yes..New York is getting stronger every day.

New York City is being rebuilt. Period.

A building rising where on my previous walks was just empty space.

This shot shows what the Ironworkers Local 40 want "Buy American" ...and if you look at the windows in the upper left corner, there are symbols for all religions in them.

One World Trade Center...I still don't understand when it was supposed to be called "The Freedom Tower"...but that's for another post.

FDNY 10 House lost 6 members that day and are still in action responding to the call.

Thank you.

The progress and action taking place is inspiring and long overdue.

I used to walk up this block and see my building that I worked in, now they will have the street go straight through to Tribeca with the building going up taking the place of what once was.

The Future Fulton St Transit hub.

Interior of the future hub.

A fellow yellow watching the rising of New York again.

Hot dog ?

...and New York City charges forward as the Flags are flown at half mast recognizing we are still at War...and there is still so much to be done...we must charge forward just like The Bull...

We Must.

We will carry on the great spirit of New York City and not let our sense of humor be destroyed as I take a picture of a woman rubbing Bulls Balls on Broadway...why don't they put this in the paper everyday instead of all the BULLshit.

People who don't know of The Wall St Bull, if you rub his balls its good luck and you will have great fortune...I think more people line up to get this shot than in front of it these days...I'm not bullshitting you, I rubbed them and now I'm a Gazillionaire. ;-)

FDNY still responding to anyone in need of help...and ready as they always are...God Bless.

The Immigrants.

We have struggled to build this country...We must not let ourselves down.

We look up to higher powers and have faith that can't be broken.

We have the courage and conviction to keep OUR America.

We will do whatever it takes to keep our FREEDOM.

...and we will Pray for our fellow brothers and sisters overseas fighting to keep our FREEDOM, that they receive a safe passage home. WE WILL REMEMBER.

We will NEVER forget.


Remember our lost friends, family and fellow Americans. God bless all.

Peace out Peeps.
